Natural Birth story

Ellie Mae Salinas came yesterday at 10:43 am and somehow, someway I did it medication free ! I figured I'd share because I know I was on the fence about the epidural and loved reading stories of natural labor for encouragement. 
It started when I went to the hospital around 5:30 am with intense contractions about 4 minutes apart. Sure enough I was 4 cm dialated and they admitted me.  It took me till  about 9 am to get to 8 cm. the contractions were rough but I kept telling myself it's only a minute I can get through it and pictured waves at the beach. I even got in the bathtub for a little while. Now the pain was brutal. I puked three times because it was so intense...but just when you feel like you can't take the pain anymore it's almost over. The dr broke my water at 8 cm and about 1 hr later she was here. I didn't think I had the strength anymore and felt like giving up. When I saw her head coming I just kept thinking I just have to get her out and this is over. I was beyond exhausted but had some kind of out of body experience. Pushing was like pooping out a log ! But once her head was finally out after about 6 pushes the rest of her slid out no problem. I asked the dr to avoid the episiotomy and he did. He kinda acted like I tore bad but the nurse said I absolutely made the right choice in not getting it and that the dr just acts like that because it's easier for them with the episiotomy and that my tear wasn't bad and recovery will be much faster than if I had gotten it. I did make sure they delayed cord cutting and dr was fine with that. 
I think what helped me do it with no meds or epidural was the help of the birthing classes and the support of my mom and SO. They kept encouraging me. But trust me it hurts and so many times I wanted to beg for the drugs. I was yelling and cussing and convulsing at some points. But  It was all so worth it and I'm glad I felt everything. I think going all natural has made me feel like I am the strongest version of myself  and capable of anything now. To all the mommies debating about going natural just tell yourself you can do this, your body was made to and you just need to breathe and be in control for that minute long contraction or "wave" as I called it in my head. Picturing the wave crashing really help. You will feel like superwoman after!