Does anyone else feel this way?

I'll be 26 on nov. 1st and I'm so upset when every month goes by and I get AF! I feel like I've done everything right in life, sure I've failed but I got back up.. I finished school went back to school got my nursing education bought a car that is now almost paid off and I also just bought a house. This was all for my baby I wanted him or her to have a better life then I did. I love this child that I don't even have more than anything! 😔 I've waited til I had all these things for the baby but I'm starting to really get upset I'll keep trying but has anyone ever regret waiting until u were older for kids? I don't want to be old when my kids are my age lol. . Im not trying to be selfish but I want to be able to share my life with them and see them do everything in life .. my dad just passed away and he never got to see me get married or have kids. I don't want to give up but I'm super depressed about it all. My dad died at 52 and my mom isn't doing well either with makes me nervous. So sorry this is so long 😩😟😔