Castor oil and sex

I know there is alot of controversy on castor oil so after doing alot of looking around I decided to take a tablespoon full at 6 pm and worse to come worse I would no longer be constipated, well I did not poop at all, no contractions, and I was still 39 weeks pregnant. Well me and hubby decided to have sex since we hadnt in awhile around 8 pm and then went straight to bed. Around 11 pm I wokeup to pee and I got right infront of the bathroom door when legit niagra falls came put of me, at first I was like I did not just pee my freaking pants, and then seconds later more came out, and I leaked a trail back to our room to wakeup hubby. He thought I peed myself up until he saw the huge puddle infront of the bathroom lol. So after he was being pokey (bc nurses told us not to rush or wed wait forever) I finally got mad bc water breaking could lead to infection so he rushed us there. Halfway through the car ride I could feel the contractions building up and I thought someone was beating my uterus with a bat. We get there and this dragon lady nurse thought I had just peed my pants, she even went so far as to sniff the pad they put me on....when the doctor finally said I broke my water I wanted to rub the pad in her face I was so mad, but continued to the room where ny daughter would be born. I thought wed be meeting her in a few hours, joke is on me. 21 hours later and almost 3 hours of pushing our little one decided to finally make her big appearance. The a nurse that had admitted us the night before had come baack just in time to help me push lol. I love having my daughter out, but my next child I am not messing with because the waiting was insane and I spent 21 hours eating damn jello 😩