27 years old ...mild heart attack. What now?

Beth • TTC Rainbow Baby #1 after four MCs
Last Thursday was chalked up to a lot of those many horrible worst days in my life. I had chest pains. I live at home to raise my mentally challenged 11 year old foster brother since my dad works 3:30pm to nearly 1am. I tried to wake my father at 9 am he wouldn't get up and got angry with me. He's told me never to bring an ambulance to our home. So I drove. As I drove my right arm started hurting really bad and getting even numb. I nearly wrecked 20 times before I arrived. The lady called back to the ER and was hung up on 3 times before she finally went back there to get someone by that time I could barely walk, talk, much less breathe. Everything faded in and out all I seen on the screen was my O2 was at 85% yet I never received oxygen? Then she did an ekg she seen it yelled the doctors name loud and he rushed in asking me questions I didn't know or understand much of any of it. I told them over and over I was sick and going to throw up it took almost 2 hours to receive nausea medicine they brought aspirin along right with it when they injected the medicine I took the aspirin within a minute or 2 I had vomited it up they said "oh no you didn't vomit it up" yet the most all the pill was there on the bed. My poor mistreatment and profiling went on from 9 am to 7:30pm till I finally flipped the script on them and left against medical advice. I couldn't handle the verbal abuse and rudeness and false accusations anymore. I feel horrible and that the next time this happens I have no where to go get help. I am just so scared this has ruined my chances of ever conceiving in my life. I lost 55 lbs to get healthy then this happens. I'm just lost and alone.