Update from the update confusion !

*** i tryed to confront him about it !, but I lack confidence in things like this due to my anxiety so I wimped out and it through sending a message while I was in the shower :( he hasn't talked to me about it at all !, he even tried to have sex with me instead ! Which I Didnt let happen but he won't talk to me ! 😩 I'm not sure what's happening ??? 
So I had a quick two minute snoop in his Fb messages !. 
While I was away on holiday he got drunk and told a girl "he would happily smack that ass and shag it" but they didn't he aplogized to her and said he felt shit about it . He also keeps telling me that he is meeting his guy friend but turns out he is going to buy an underager fags :/ and it's a girl under age to buy fags but old enough to have a sexual relationship with ....  I'm more confused then ever now ... Do I bring it up ? He didn't techincally cheat when I was away but is he with this girl ? I'm at a loss and don't know what to do and it's my birthday tomorrow ! Please help ladies !