Breaking! Can I get some advice.

Edith • Looking for bettering my life and broadening my views.
So I have been drugged and molested with the luck of not being raped because of people who were around the scene where this happened. Not too mention abused because the guy was as drugged as me. 
Now recently I've felt like shit. I feel as if I'm always being compared to someone in some aspects, making me feel belittled. 
I also have sisters doing things behind my parents back weighing it all on me to makes sure they don't get caught. 
I feel cornered. I want to tell my parents about the abuse that occurred to me not so long ago. I want to tell them, but I don't want to see this person again he was a college student and honestly he made this mistake too and I don't want to report him. I want to tell my parents so they can know, but not so they can force me to report this guy. 
Should I go about it, would it even help, I feel it would but my parents are so distant from me we can't even have small talk. I'm just there to them, I know they love me, but they don't believe in me.
As you can tell it's a load that's breaking me I can't keep this up. My only options, I feel are to move out and find peace of mind in a new environment where I can learn to love myself. But I'm not sure if this is what I should only do. And honestly all this plus I'm a lesbian who's had numerous boyfriend of which have helped me learn men aren't what I'm into. I feel so outcast, and different from my family, so much so I feel like I'm pushing myself away. It's definitely easier than telling them.
And honestly I need an outsiders point of view so plz anything would help.