Unexpectedly Disappointed

So I posted the other day because I had a very faint positive preg test. I have an iud for a reason so I certainly wasn't expecting it and it truest freaked me out. But 12 negative tests later I accepted it was a fluke and have had this sense of dissappointment. I've always wanted kids. I have one 9 yr old daughter but I wanted like 4! But reality hit and I'm just don't want to end up a single mother again- and financially struggling. If I knew for a fact I could afford daycare and diapers I would ttc right now! But that's just not the case- I struggle now with just one. I just feel like I'm running out of time age wise and this scare just reminded me how badly I wanted more children. I Thank god for the beautiful child I have but I know what I mean. Anyway just needed to vent. I'm sure others have similar situation so please comment :)