Ryan Matthew is here! Cord cutting pic is shown!

Taryn • 💚Tkc💚
I started have contractions at home around 7pm by ten they was so strong I couldn't set still. I took a really hot shower which I got on all fours to help with the pain. I got out and find out my husbands aunt had died so I didn't want to ask him to bring me in to be sent home. I laid down and he noticed i couldn't stay steal. At which point he said If I kept it up We was coming in at midnight. I was contracting every three to five minutes lasting a minute. We got to the hospital I was 3cm they said I could walk or get started for my IV that I was more than likely not going home. I walked til I found a rocking chair (which was heaven on earth it help with the pain to rock through my contractions). We went back at 1:40ish am and I was checked at 2am I was 4cm (yay I was admitted). I got to my room by 300am and had my epidural at 330am (which worked amazingly) at 450 I felt a gush oh fluid my water had broke and I was now 6cm. At 530 I felt presser and my nurse checked me again I was 9 cm. My doctor came in at 630 I was 10 and ready to start pushing we practice 3 times each time three pushes before I could get to the third push on the third round I was told to stop the doctor was called back down to me. When she got in and dressed I pushed two more times and he was here!! No tears or rips or cuts. He is 8 pounds and 9ozs 20.25 inches long. He was born at 39 weeks and 1 day! He is perfectly amazing thank you god!!