Shower thoughts to my angel

I think I've finally accepted it all. I know I can move on. I just still feel so confused and scared. 
I don't have anyone to talk to. I don't expect anyone to respond I just want to let it out and document how I feel, I know this will help later on.
I have had so many thoughts cross my mind today. I finally physically passed everything. My body is gone for the night .That pain was miserable. Last time I felt this was when I had your sister. At that time it was so rewarding. I kissed her and touched her. I can't feel you anymore. I feel so empty inside. 
I wanted to know if you looked like  your daddy or if you favored me. I've listen to Frank Ocean all day and there's one song that I know I'll associate with this tragic time forever. I never met you baby but I miss you and I love you so much. ❤️❤️💔💔😪😢😪 see you in heaven