keep getting sick, idk what to do

hi everyone! 
i found out i was pregnant not too long ago and i'm 9 weeks and 2 days and it's my first pregnancy☺️.
since I've found out i've had gotten a really bad UTI (never had one before) and they gave me a shot in my butt. Friday night i got so sick i couldn't keep anything down so, again i took another shot in my butt (same spot☹️) for the nasuea. i also lost weight (96lbs about) starting out I was at 98 and then went up to 100.6 anything i should eat to help me gain some weight back? but now it's Monday and my throat is swollen on the left side and i have some minor body aches is there anything i can take that's safe during pregnancy? like cough drops? i'm thinking i just have a little cold. ive had my tonsils swell up before but never this bad. any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated thanks girls 🤗