
I ovulated at the very beginning of August which me and my husband had sex on all fertile days. my period is a week late as of tomorrow and I'm having no symtoms that its going to show up soon. Did a test on Friday with a vvvvvfl, re-tested on Sunday morning but got a negative result. I'm so confused as to where AF is 😔😔😔
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Keep test sometimes hormones levels are low. Are you using the early tests? Xx


Shell • Aug 23, 2016
Keep testing you're not out of the running till AF shows up fingers crossed for you xxx


Sarah • Aug 23, 2016
You can always go to the dr and get a blood test done. That'll tell you a deffinate


Joanne • Aug 23, 2016
Yeah the 2 ive used are the early detection ones. When the VVVFL came up we got so excited but I knew I would have to re-test for a darker line but nothing. And with my period being a week late you just presume don't you. Will have to keep testing I think xx