Pushy parents?

Anyone else getting extremely frustrated with their parents

Sorry for the long and very complex situation. When i was pregnant my bilogical mother was in jail, my step mother was around quite a bit to help me, my dad was coming to visit me often and my mother in law was always wanting me to come visit and play with my toddler.

In the short few months since my baby boy was born....

My mother was released from jail, shes always telling me how to be a parent and threatened to call cfs to have my kids taken, says she wishes i never had kids because im such a horrible person, constantly asking me for money and if i dont have any to give her she threatens to kill herself, its like caring for a reckless spoiled rotten teenager, shes been re arrested 3 times and released to parol

My step mom stopped coming around 2 days after baby was born because she found out her daughter is pregnant, always questions my toddlers behaviour (almost like a silent judging). The other day she asked me about his potty training and i told her it was going great so she slapped a diaper on him before taking him out for lunch but then proceded to tell me that he should be potty trained by now. HE HASNT HAD AN ACCIDENT IN OVER A WEEK, HE HASNT BEEN IN DIAPERS FOR 2 MONTHS. Shes always saying stuff to my sister in front of me about how shes so proud of her for owning her own house and car and that she waiting until she found a nice guy before having a baby, she got pregnant with this guy the first day they met, the only reason why she moved into his house with his car is because she is pregnant with his child, me and my husband have been together 7 years with 2 wonderful planned children

My dad hasnt been over to visit me is about 3 months but he goes to my sisters (his step daughters) place for dinner every week

My mother in law broke up with her 10 year husband and is running around the city with an old highschool boyfriend drinking and doing drugs every day of the week. When my toddler called her yesterday to ask if he could come see grammy she scolded him and told him no he cant come over any more because he left his toys on her floor

I feel so isolated all the time, i havent left the house in a week because i have no where to go, no family, no friends, my husband works 12 hours a day, im sick and tired of trying to force relationships with my family who clearly dont want to be around me or my kids.

I stay up all night crying and thinking about everything in my life and its driving me nuts. I got up at 4 in the morning, kids and husband sleeping, and started cleaning my house, because i could not tolerate staring at the ceiling any longer, i havent slept in 3 days now, and no more than 2-3 hours a night for the past month

Im exhausted 😢