Trying not to worry..

Kymber • •<3•happily taken •mother to a little girl infinity.•pregnant with baby #2 <3 •family is all that matters.

So i noticed i havent really gained anything yet my last two appointments i was told i only gained a pound since i been pregnant! Which i know when i enter my third trimester ill start gaining some weight but maybe not, well im 19 weeks and 3 days and still dont feel movement, i mean i feel like ive felt something but i honestly cant make it out, if its the baby or not! All i know is having an anterior placenta kinda sucks, bc with this baby i honestly cant tell the cravings he likes, he doesnt move at all when i eat sweets to sour or have tried the things where it says your baby will move alot too, and still nothing, as i know of, im trying not to worry and think something could be wrong, but my instinct ans whatever that feeling i do feel i know everything is fine, im not bleeding or anything i feel perfectly normal, im just so ready to feel baby Jasper move already!! My next appointment isnt till the 6th when i go for my anatomy scan which will put me at 21 weeks!

Has anyone else felt like this or has a baby that just wont react to anything i eat or drink, im thinking maybe hes just too comfortable! But i also read alot about having an anterior placenta and its just really different for me this time around, this is my second!

With my first pregnancy with my daughter i never had an anterior placenta and i started feeling her as early as 11 weeks or so and she had certain things she liked that i craved to where she was just so active and i can feel every movement! But again, im trying not to worry bc i know in my gut everything is just fine, but im so anxious as well its driving me nuts!! Any advice??