Evolution of a Good Day.

For the past few days I haven't really felt like myself. My energy levels have been low, I've had headaches, backaches, nausea... Just basically an ugh few days. Yesterday night I went to bed early because I felt sick. I woke up feeling ok but then I had a breakdown because one of my puppies hasn't been eating and refused to eat anything this morning. When I went to work I somehow got heat exhaustion within a couple hours and almost fainted. So I finished my job and went home.
 After that, my puppy starred eating a little bit and I had a nice afternoon just hanging with my BF. When he went back to work, my puppy ate some more and started playing vigorously with his brother and sister. I cleaned my entire house, washed all the dishes (which was an insane amount), and folded all my laundry. Then I read my book a little bit. So today has gone from one extreme to another and I hope tomorrow is as good as the end of today. I just felt like I needed to type this all out so I could  express my gratitude to the day I guess lol