Rant #soz

I honestly cannot deal with my mother in law! I get along so well with my father in law and my partners sister; but lately not so much his mother.

Every day she's asking for shit (we live with my parents) trying to explain we can't afford to support her is becoming pointless, the minute I see her name come up I turn my phone off or generally go into my shell when it comes to going there. She does nothing but bitch behind our back and nice to our face. My partner leaves the room for a split second and she's bitching about him to me, the only reason her and my partner are talking is because I'm pregnant otherwise she'd still be out the picture. (She paid her male friend to bash my partner (her son) and then had him removed by police.

I don't even trust her, she uses me like there's no tomorrow cause i have my licence and expects the world dropped at her feet but NOT once has she helped us throughout our pregnancy, just shoots us down.

She even tried hinting to m partner I'm cheating and have chlamydia, urgh wot?! Im almost 35 weeks pregnant with his son, why the damn would i cheat on him?! Fucking cow!

Shes a damn toxic human and I'm over it! She owes us money, every time she's meant to pay it, it changes to "I'll have it in a few days", shes always taking my partners smokes leaving him with next to none to last a fortnight, but yet can go buy pot every fucking day?! But can't pay us back or get a damn whooping cough vaccination to protect her grandson?! Pfft!! Her house is toxic, dirty rat cage and off food in the fridge that she refuses to clean/empty either them. Just sits on her laptop smoking cones all day and night! Thankfully my partner has agreed that her 'nursey' is pointless, because she won't be having our son over night or alone. It's so easy to come down sick in that house, smoke, rat pee/shit, off food, yeah no thank you!

So ready to flip my damn shit!