Cd12 ultrasound

Mrs.🅱️ • Mama 👦🏼 • 👼🏼 • 👼🏼 • TTC 🌈
So, I had my ultrasound today to check follicle growth, and I'm feeling super bummed. I have only 1 follicle on my left (measuring 14mm). I was hoping for 2-4, and am feeling totally deflated. I will go back on Friday for another ultrasound to check follicle growth and depending on the size will hopefully trigger Saturday. 
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Posted at
Thanks ladies! With all these Clomid hot flashes I feel like I am a constant heating pad!!


Posted at
Thanks ladies! They measured today and I had several follicles: the two largest at nine and eight. My lining was a 4.2 though, so pretty bad. My RE started me on 100mg of Clomid tonight and ok go back on the 10th for another ultrasound to measure. 


Kasey • Feb 7, 2017
I did a heating pad the month I concieved too!


✨Amy✨ • Feb 6, 2017
Yes my acupuncturist also recommended keeping the uterus warm and keeping away from cold or iced drinks


Mrs.🅱️ • Feb 5, 2017
Perfect! Lmao. Also, I laid with a heating pad on my abdomen every night (my acupuncturist told me that a warm womb is prime for implantation!) but don't do it after ovulation!!


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I guess I'll get my heating pad or tonight too then. :) 


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Adding on a late comment, but I have my first CD12 ultrasound tomorrow and am totally lost on this stuff. What are the follicles supposed to measure to be "ready" for the trigger? How did your all's turn out? :)


Mrs.🅱️ • Feb 7, 2017
Good luck!! Keep us posted 😃


Elsie • Feb 7, 2017
Wow, that's amazing for you both! Congrats! M biggest fear is my lining was only a 4.2, so trying lots of different things to get that to at least a 7-8 range


Mrs.🅱️ • Feb 4, 2017
This cycle (the one I posted about) didn't work--had one good follicle to trigger but didn't end up pregnant. Next cycle I had 2 follicles measuring 22mm and ended up pregnant!


Posted at
My follicle is a big fat failure. 1 mm in 48 hours. FAIL! 15 mm...back again on Sunday. 


Mrs.🅱️ • Aug 28, 2016
It's a 21 today! I'm triggering tonight!


Kasey • Aug 28, 2016
How did it go??


Courtney • Aug 28, 2016
prayers for success!


Posted at
Hey girl don't be upset.... You still have 48 hours for it to grow and all you need is one egg and 1 sperm! Clomid isn't meant to have usually more than 2 maybe 3 follicles grow. So the good news is you have 1 that is receptive and if it doesn't catch this cycle your doc will prob up your dosage 


Mrs.🅱️ • Aug 24, 2016
I know it's possible. Just feels unlikely. Who knows....


✨Amy✨ • Aug 24, 2016
You never know babes, you could get it with just the one....


Mrs.🅱️ • Aug 24, 2016
I know I'm just feeling defeated. Like I already know I'll have to do this again next cycle, which sucks.