Anyone else have insufferable family members?

Amy • Married cat lady and mommy to Charlotte Rey 💖
This is nothing more than a rant/ me venting so feel free to skip and add in your own moments in the comments! 😁
My grandmother and I were speaking on the phone earlier and she brought up how a friend of mine will be going on a cruise for her honeymoon. She went on and on about how cruises seem nice but they have all these problems etc. (she's never been on a cruise, btw.) I said yeah, but a lot of people love cruises including my husband's family to which she said well I mean, just look at his family though. 😒 I added that my husband enjoys cruises too, he's been on 3. She scoffed and said that he was 13 on the last cruise he went on so it didn't count. I said okay, well one day we're going to go on a cruise because he really wants to go on another one and I've never been on one. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and just quit my job so when I say ONE DAY we'll go it means not any time soon lol. 😁  However she just blows up going on about how well I better not get used to staying at home because we'll never afford it and we haven't even had this baby yet so how do I know what I'm going to do, etc. I just plainly say to her just because you've never been on a cruise doesn't mean the whole world has to follow your lead and to quit acting like I told you we're planning a cruise for tomorrow- I said ONE DAY. She rambles on a little more and eventually says you need to respect your grandmother to which I reply that she needs to learn to respect me. So what does she do? She says fine, then we don't need to speak anymore- goodbye! And hangs up the phone like a 12 year old child who didn't get her way. 😒🙄 She's always been this way- she loves to dish it out but can't ever take it. I love and respect my grandmother (she raised me.) But her opinions are wild, y'all. Like way out there and if you can't agree with her- you're wrong. So basically now I'll wait a few days and I'll have to call her and "apologize" for my behavior before she'll stop giving me the silent treatment. 🙄
Does anyone have family members who start arguments based on opinions and when you don't agree with them they turn into a three year old?😂
Thanks for reading. I feel better 😘