Could Use Some Prayers - TTTS

So at our 20 week ultrasound they discovered we were having twins, they had to rush through the ultrasound because they had only scheduled a slot for anatomy scan of one baby. Fast forward to this week (22 weeks) we met with a maternal fetal medicine specialist who did an ultrasound and a referral to a local children's hospital for the opinion as we have twin to twin transfusion. Baby A has an over abundance of fluid and room whereas Baby B has very low fluid levels. The size difference right now is minimal - Baby A is just over a pound and Baby B is 14 oz. Concern is lack of fluid so B's bladder is much smaller. He did state that blood flow looked good and it was a good sign B wasn't significantly smaller... But it's all scary. I'm trying to stay positive and keep the mindset that they've both made it this far... Hearing that they may recommend we dissolve one ... Ugh. My stomach sinks just writing that. Prayers appreciated!