3 Months Old Sleeping Issues

Kristin • Married 8/16/14💍 Pierce Jaxon: 6/5/16💙👶🏼 Logan Marie: 2/27/18 🎀👶🏼.
Hi mommas! I am dying here! So exhausted and needing sleep. I shouldn't complain because my little man has been a great sleeper until this point and was only waking at 4 am to feed (EBF), but the last couple of nights have been hell! 
My LO is having the most restless sleep and will kick his legs and pull his legs to his chest... Which causes him to fuss and be awake. We do have him in sleep sac with his arms swaddled, and it's almost like he is trying to break free or roll (he rolls tummy to back but not other way). During the day he is a cat napper (sleeps several 40-1hr stretches) and there is no routine at this point. 
Is this normal for him to be moving this much at night? Is it gas? The swaddle? Being next to my bed (in a pack n play)? 
ANY day/night suggestions for sleep would be greatly appreciated! 