Frustrated with OB!!

I went to see my ob to get on BC when my daughter was 6 weeks but because I was breastfeesing he refused to give me any until next year. I had to stop breastfeeding when she was 6 weeks because she is allergic to my breast milk. I have stopped breastfeeding for almost 2 months now; so i made another appointment to get on BC. My appointment was today and I waited over an hr for her to walk in just for her to ask a few qestions. When she asked me if i was still breastfeeding, I told her no; then she asked when I had unprotected sex last and for some reason the word "unprotected" didn't click so I told her last week. She said "ok well since you just stopped breastfeeding I'm not gonna put you on BC till next month, your pregnancy test came back neg so I'm gonna send you too get blood work done next month, then I'll bring you in and give you a prescription" I replied back "I stopped breastfeeding when my daughter was 6 weeks and she's almost 3 month's. I had to stop because she has an allergy and is on special formula. I got my period on sat and it just ended yesterday so why can't I be on anything?" but for some reason she kept going around what I asking. After an hr of waiting and 5 min of talking she sent me on my way. I'm not very happy; I am responsible enough to use protection since we don't want another so soon, but just knowing we have another way of protection help's us sleep better and stress less. My first born his ob put me on BC a month after I had my him; easy peasy. So why is this one making it more difficult?!?!