Tech says girl but not sure


So I got one of those early ultrasound that you pay out of pocket for and they can tell gender as early as 14 wks. I'm 15 wks and 4 days. We found out we are having a girl. I don't remember the other shots that she took but I think it looked like a girl in some pictures but in the picture that we got to take home the more I look at it the more it looks like maybe balls or a little penis. I don't know if she just has a big cooter or if it's maybe a shadow or something. I'm having another ultrasound done at 22 weeks by the doctor and will be able to confirm it then and I don't really care what it is as long as it's a healthy baby. This particular picture that we have is just a little questionable to me. What do you guys think?

Edit: Actually, I just Googled 15 week girl ultrasound and I guess a lot of them kind of have the little nubby look.