Please help, need encouragement!!!!

I'm so frustrated, my mom was going to take me to an important Dr appointment tomorrow about an hour away. I called to confirm a time she would be picking me up and she said she can't because she has to finish packing to go camping in two days! That was my only way there,now I'm scrambling to find someone who can take me but its so last minute everyone is busy. I texted her saying how hurt I was and she attacked me and disowned me. So I told my SO and he talked to her and she trashed me saying that I was lieing about this and that to him and that I'm trying to minipulate the situation . Of course I told him exactly what she was going to say before she said it. Like I'm the worst ungrateful daughter in the world. Ive dealt with this for years, I'm so tired and hurt. I'm done, I forgive her because I swear she has mental issues but i can't communicate or have any kind of realtionship. I've always tried to do my very best in everything to win her approval but she still hates me, everything about me. I feel relieved but my teenage sister and brother live with her and I can't have any contact. My weddings next year and my sister and brother won't be in it now, breaks my heart! I know I did the right thing but I'm just sad that she makes it so we have to live like this! Could use any kind encouraging words, thank you!!!!!