Husband Cheated and Lied!!


So a few weeks ago I posted about my husband being really mad at me.

But, now I figured out the peices...

When he went on a work vcay je told me he went woth his Co workers... LIE! He went with another woman!! Supposedly he also went woth his guy friend but when I snooped in his phone (yes I know was wrong, but things didn't add up) the guy said they'd meet up and talk about how his weekend went. If he went why would he want to know how it went?! LIE!

He has been late every night and quit eating my dinner and always had an excuse.... Well turns out he has been cooking for her and her cooking for him. 😣

Well, I was so hurt that I was shaking and so I asked him did he love her, as per the texts, and his response was I think so. DO WHAT!! Then in his conversation with her he said he was going to wait until our babu turned one and tell me he was leaving and going to file a legal separation. Then asked her if she'd want to be romantic with him. She said no she just wanted to be friends but I can't help to think if I said get out he'd go with her.

I'm so lost and hurt I don't know what to do.

I called an attorney and we are going to set up either divorce docs or a legal separation to see if he really wants us.

Either way I'm torn and I know if and when he gets served papers he's going to be pissed. The attorney said I shouldn't move out because that reflects badly on me as a mother and to wait him out until he was to be served.

Am i wrong for doing this? I don't honestly know how long he's been doing this besides this month. I'm also afraid he'll take my babies from me and check the oldest out of school.

I'm so hurt, 😭😭