Not sure if I'm pregnant

Vvvfl yesterday at around 10dpo. After the two mins I could clearly see it then as time went on it faded. However after that I could see it when I held a light upto it ( could still see colour and same thickness as the control line) I have no AF symptoms (she's due in 6 days) also yesterday morning I have cramps for an hour with brown blood when wiping (only twice) and nothing since...iv got diareah today and I'm normally constipated around AF time... I just have a feeling that I am. This will be my fourth pregnancy. I already have 3 boys aged 9 7 and 19 months :) people are gonna think im crazy haha! Another sign I have is itchy boobs lol and I'm normally crazy angry now with pmsl but nope I'm pretty calm. Sorry for the extemely long post I have noone else to talk to about it and needed to get it off my chest ( I have my partner but he's a typical man and pretends he's listening why really he's watching crap on the telly haha!) Xx