Who has had a miscarriage?

We all hear from EVERYone how common miscarriage is. I get it. It's common. But just HOW common is it? Does almost every woman have at least one? Do 50% of us? I understand that we women aren't usually privy to divulging our private secrets such as this, but this is important. We should at least be sharing this with each other. I know many of you may understand this when I say how alone and broken I felt when I had my first miscarriage. I remember collapsing onto my kitchen floor and crying my heart out as soon as I was alone. I felt like there was something wrong with me. Yeah sure, my doctor told me how common it is, but personally I thought that was a bunch of BS because I know loads of women with babies and they never mentioned this to me before. So let's be honest with each other. Among us here, who has miscarried? And yes, chemical pregnancy counts. 

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