Omg such negalgence

💙proud mummy💙 • Hello my name is louise i live in ireland im finaly pregnant with my first baby after 8 years of trying to conceive.
Was in maternity yesterday for the normal every 2 weeks appointment and they asked me the normal any problem how am i feeling well i told them i had fluid retention and pain in the side of the back of my neck midwife said she would make a note of it and see what they could do well obviously they hadnt cos i been rushed a hour and 20 mins back in this morning with severe pain were i can hardly move my head eat cough or speak the first 3 days i had it the pain was bareable and i didn't think much of it cos i though it was just pregnancy but its not its so bad im literally crying😢😢😢i was sent to ane by my gp and the nurse phoned maternity and basicly wasny any help refused to see me im 36 weeks now and im worried it may afect my little man but i told them yesterday and they done nothing the ane nurse was very anoyed with them on the sat here now in maternity now waiting to be seen but im not leaving here till i have answers im in so much pain with this and angry that I was herr yestand they did nothing and had to come back today urgh useless to say the least