Ex being weird

So my ex and I are friends, we decided to stay friends after breaking up. I still openly have feelings for him, and he openly does NOT have feelings for me. That's been our reality fit quite some time. Things recently got weird though. I'll just highlight last night and this morning. So I'm over his gmoms house and his cousin has a girl over. She's displaying her vocals, and he opens the door to listen. So I go "aww you're listening to bae sing??" (He hates when I call girls he talks to bae so I naturally always do it). He goes no, what are you jealous, or are you just being an ass? I go I'm being an ass obviously. Buy it kinda struck me as weird because why the hell would be care about me being jealous. Anyways night progresses (I'm crashing there due to a bedbug problem at my house) and I'm laying on my floor bed and I'm not sure, but I swear he kissed me. He was sitting up and suddenly his lips touch mine for a literal second then it's over. It happened so fast I kinda laid there and we still haven't mentioned it. Then we fall asleep next to each other, but he eventually wakes up and turns on the air conditioning. He says "It got really hot, plus it's an excuse to cuddle for body heat". Except when I tried to lay closer to him for body heat before, when we ended sleeping next to each other, he'd roll over complaining it's too hot for that bs, then steal the blanket and I'd lay with his grandmother. He then proceeds to lay really close the entire night. Fast forward to this morning and I'm talking about how much I love babies, but they're also the bain of my existence. He goes "I thought that was me". I'm like yea. But I'm talking about babies... Reallly weird he said that, but maybe I am imagining things? Am I projecting my own feelings in him or is he being as weird as I think?