
So, this is going to be TMI but I am at a loss. On Monday I was getting into the shower before work and I was having some light cramping. (My last period started August 6th lasted 5 days which is longer than normal and was 3 days early) as I was standing waiting for the water to heat up, I felt a dripping down my leg as if I was peeing on myself. When I looked it was white liquid streaming down my leg. Ever since then I have been having what seems like an excessive amount of discharge. No order, no weird colors. I haven't had sex since the end of June due to being in a long distance relationship. 😩 lol. But I'm just confused as to what's going on. This has never happened to me before. Any advice or ideas to what could be happening would be greatly appreciated. *side note* I've only had the one sexual partner for over a year and a half and have been to the Gyno several times in between for regular check ups and for Check ups that were needed for a cyst on my cervix (which I firmly believe the Mirena caused) I've never had any type of STD. So this is just concerning me.