Late periods people

I just want to start off with saying you ladies are amazing and I love connecting with you guys and sharing opinions, stories and advice. With that being said I see almost 20 posts a day asking "my period is ____ days late! Am I pregnant!?" The answer is...we don't know because we arnt doctors and we arnt you. There are ladies on here that think they're pregnant even though they used a condom and made no contact with a raw penis...if that's the case you arnt prego!! The best thing to do is if you're pregnant is to take a test and/or see you OBGYN. If your period is late or ends up never coming consistently then you probably have an underlying issue that, again, you need to see a doctor for. Usually when periods are late it's an imbalance in your hormones and can be brought on by stress. So as much as I love this community and all of you...literally all of you...I love's just getting really repetitive and the continuous answer is "we don't know" lol ✌🏼️❤️🍩