share your embarrassing first period story!

Heres mine: 
It was my thirteenth birthday and the whole week prior i had just been feeling a bit off. I didnt know what it was and i thought that maybe i was just getting the flu or something. Either way i still decided to celebrate and go out to dinner with my mother and grandparents. They took me to a really fancy italian resturant, the food was great. But When i got up to excuse myself and go to the restroom, everything went awry! The white linnen chair i had been sitting at was a gory red! I gasped in horror! I whispered to my mother that i had started my period. She then jumped up from her chair excitedly and exclaimed " are you serious?!" Why would i be joking? She then burst into tears and huged me in the middle of the restaurant crying, " my little girl is now a woman!" I have never been so mortified! Everyone was now staring at us, it felt like the whole resturant paused! I whispered to her i just need a pad please!! My grandmother then shuffled in her purse and handed me a rather large and bulky poise pad. Tyring to conceal this monstrosity of a pad, I hurridly scooted across the wall to the bathroom. When i returned to the table my chair had already been taken away, Probably thrown in the dump out back and burned! all i wanted to do was go home! But my family insisted we stay and celebrate with cake. When the waiter came back to our table my mom then proudly exclaimed, " my daughter, here just became a woman today! " i had never been so embarrased ! 😂