Getting period after Nexplanon removal?

Hey Ladies! 
I recently got my implant removed on August 9th, and I've heard of some people getting really bad bleeding normally a couple of days after the removal. I haven't had any sort of bleeding what so ever. Now, the week before having my implant removed I did have unprotected sex, and my fiancé did go inside of me. I was unaware that sperm can live inside of you for 5-7 days after sex.  I've had a lot of cramping, headaches, feeling naseous all day long along with having leg cramps. I've also (TMI) had diarrhea. Just within the last couple of days I've had pain down in my pelvic that makes me feel like I have to use the restroom more. I'm just looking for some opinions, and some of your stories. Could I possibly be pregnant and that's why I haven't started my period yet? Thank you ladies!