Kamryn • Mama to two daughters & a third daughter in heaven 😇
I'm pregnant!!!  I finally got my rainbow baby! 6 months of seriously rigorous TTC & a MC at 11 weeks in May '15.  I knew I was having implantation planting cramps yesterday and last night. It was such a different feeling from my endometriosis pains or PMS.  No spotting at all.  No other symptoms.  Much different from every other month!! My endo pains would have me keeled over not being able to get out of bed & I would become very nauseous (not sure if the extreme nauseousness was from my endo or trying to believe I was preggo every month).
Anyways, I am 10 dpo today and AF was also due today and never showed!!!  This is a 3:30pm test (the top one is dried, the bottom is when it was wet).  My first test was at 7dpo and got a negative.  I knew it was too early then, but I was still let down!  I'm going to get bloodwork tomorrow & I'm about 3 weeks 4 days along only, but still so excited :) Pray he or she sticks for my beautiful family! Check out how I'm surprising my husband tonight...
!!! He's a race car driver!
Update: I took a bunch more tests to make sure! Here they are!