So the OBGYN practice I go to has several Dr.s & Midwives. Today since I am 30 weeks & I had an apt & was asked by a Midwife whom I grew a relationship with these past 7 months if I wanted her to be my main Dr. Long story short for the longest time I never knew she was a Midwife. (At this said office all Drs, nurses, Midwives etc... go by 1st name for a more relaxed atmosphere, I guess I took for granted that I would be able to tell the difference between a Dr/Midwive) anyway I have no problem with her delivering my baby buy My mom does my mother feels the need to have a Dr present. I have met 3 other Drs at this office & their bed side manner is terrible their cold & distant & make you feel like your wasting their time, being a 1st time Mom I want to make sure I make the right decision. So ladies my question is.... what is the difference between the two & what did/do you prefer when it came time to deliver. I will be birthing at a Hospital not a birthing Center.