Husband in love with another woman

Update 1: I changed the password on the app and got screenshots of everything . I'm not gone put my hands on him because he would get physical with me and hopes of me miscarriages . I'm gonna give him a dose of his own medicine . I go see a lawyer tomorrow and as far as she goes , she knew . She knew he was married and still allowed a man to use her , I don't know why mistresses think that a man will be faithful to them when you see he can't be faithful to his own wife . The tables aways turn and I hope karma get the both of them . 
Update 2: 
We ( my lawyer and I ) are gathering as much evidence as possible from all the messages and emails . He had a secret phone that I found with sex videos in our place, hotels , and in the woods and over 300 pictures .  They both are beyond trifling and the picture I attached is just one i recently found when he tried to fight me while pregnant. This man is sick and heartless . I even found out why he never went to any of my doctor appointments because he was with her . Told her he wanna get her pregnant to have his first son :-/ but I'm currently pregnant with a boy . So he's been texting me like crazy but I have a temporary court order for him to stay away from me. He says he's addicted to sex and need help. If he told me that in my face I probably would've tased his stupid worthless a** , in the messages with his other woman he threaten to kill himself if she left him for some guy she was having sex with . He was okay with her having casual sex with other men . I went got tested in I'm clear of everything . He told the woman we haven't had sex in years but within the last 3 years I've had 2 miscarriages and currently pregnant but I guess "air" got me pregnant . He also almost got fired for been late from having sex with her every morning been late . She also sent him videos of her having sex with her child's father and also admitted to having sex in her child's father truck and house with my soon to be ex husband . Also said they had sex in front of the child smh. They both need help and are meant to be . Yes it's no working this marriage out , it's over and I deserve so much better . I can't believe how strong I'm been but I would be nothing without The Most High! My father God.!
So I'm 22 weeks pregnant with a child I thought my husband wanted . His phone was vibrating at 2am when I was getting up to us the restroom and I'm thinking its a family member , hoping it wasn't an emergency or anything and the message came from an app. Something called Textplus, well turns out my husband has been cheating on me and madly in love with another woman . I read boyh the messages, it was a year of messages on the app.....I didn't go pass May, they talked about me ( referred to me as a stupid bi***) she was asking him when he planned on divorcing me and he told her soon . Told her he was putting everything in his dad's name so I wouldn't get anything . Her mom was met him and even know he's married from the messages . She told him her mom said he must really love her because he's never with me. She also got pregnant twice by him from the messages but got " money for a abortion " yes he was paying her bills and car notes oh also child care for her current child . Even referred to the child as his son. My daughter can't get a toy out of him without him calling her spoil and selfish . Even spent the night with her at her moms house . The list goes on ...oh and they never used protection so he tried to get her pregnant and when she was stalking my Facebook page and found out I was expecting he told her he was gonna make me lose the baby like the last 2 ( miscarriages) and told her he will make me get an abortion because he don't want to have anything to do with it . I'm in complete shock right now literally . Oh and yes I confronted him ! He didn't say anything but "ok" 9 years together and I swear I don't know this man . He even said in the messages that his sister knew about her and he told his dad( which he's lying on his dad because he's a pastor and would never agree with cheating) he said that to make her feel better about been a mistresses . I can't wrap my head around all this. They went into full detail about sex and how he even had sex while her period was on and how he ate her out while she was "light" this is beyond anything I could imagine . He's been living two separate lives for 4 years. 4 fuckin years ! I'm not gone beat myself up but this really hurts like a hurt I wouldn't wish on nobody ! It's easy to say I deserve better but knowing the person you would do anything for talk about you to another woman and tell her he's in love with her is so much more to deal with .