It is sinking in...


For anyone following me, you know my husband was really sick this summer (hospitalized, and unable to work for 6 weeks).... it obviously sucked. The thing that kept me up beat and that I focused on looking forward to is going on a mutual business trip/anniversary trip together in Sept. The convention is something we both get really excited about, and since it falls over our anniversary (wedding anniversary), we splurge with a beautiful suite for the week, and then specialty bed and breakfast on the drive home.

Today, we found out that his boss at work has now understandably blocked him being able to take the time out of the office to make the trip since he was out of commission for so long this summer. Also refused request for a working vacation in October where I wanted my hubby to come work from home while we stayed at a beach house for a week that I've been hired to some on site work at this little coastal town. Both suck.

So now, not only did I have an invalid instead of loving husband for over a month this year, (I know it isn't his fault, and love him fully anyway, just different kind of connection and love), I also miss out on my able bodied hubby being there to love me physically and interns of emotional connection during what is usually the annual highlight of the year. I am so bummed for me, and crushed for him that he has to stay home and slog through. I was so counting on this time to reconnect in a fun and passionate way!