How to educate hubby?

KDee • Tried for almost 5 years, with every test and almost every fertility procedure, until I finally started telling the doctors which tests to do. Hoping this rainbow baby makes it and stays!

This is my husband's first baby (my first is 11). And he has like noooooooo experience when it comes to labor and delivery and such. He's the baby of the family and hasn't had much exposure. He asks questions at appointments but there's only so much he knows to ask and I've done this all before and keep forgetting he has no clue what's really about to happen. I'll just go along with getting stuff ready and then he'll ask something and it's like 10 steps back and I didn't even think to explain it to him. We can't take the hospital birthing classes because he works Saturdays and that's the only time they're offered, and besides I don't think they're really all that helpful besides a tour of the hospital, which we signed up to take on Monday when we pre-register.

How do I not overwhelm him with info, but catch him up to speed so I don't forget to include him (I'm the take-charge one and have to be reminded to slow down and explain. And I pretty much have known what I wanted after my last labor experience). What sources do your partners find helpful? What sources did you first-time - mommies like that wouldn't be overwhelming for someone without a uterus?