Baby friendly hospital is not women friendly- how breastfeeding was ruined for me

I gave birth at a "baby friendly hospital". The one where there are no nurseries and the baby has to stay in your room, you have mandatory 2 hours of skin to skin time right after birth, you have no access to formula unless medically necessary and pacifiers are also "banned". You are "encouraged" to breastfeed only. I had a great experience while laboring (even though it was 23 hours and I was absolutely exhausted and almost rushed to the emergency c-section). The staff was helpful and kind. Boy was the picture different once I gave birth. My baby was born with fetal growth restriction so he was underweight and needed extra food so graciously the hospital gave us some very limited amount of formula but refused to provide nipples and insisted that we feed with finger and surigne method. I had to pump and hand express colostrum every 1-2 hours for 30 mins, baby had to be fed every 2 hours as well and then I had to supplement with formula so each feeding for me was about 1-1.5 hours so I'd have maybe 30 mins of rest when the whole thing would have to be repeated. Plus the doctors visits, plus the ordeal of trying to pee with a wrecked v-jay, plus pain... I haven't slept for more than 50 hours at that point... It was a nightmare. And all this time I was worried sick that there's something wrong with my son due to his low weight. 
So I've been thinking and I've realized why breastfeeding is associated with such negative emotions for me. The hospital was "baby friendly" so they pretty much shoved the breast on me (even though originally I wanted to breastfeed) after 23 hours of labor and no sleep I was forced to not sleep again, continuously pump and not even given an option to not do that. It was so stressful and exhausting, like I was tired, terrified, in pain... I did not even have enough mental power to be like wait that's not right I should be allowed to sleep, to rest to have an option to not pump every hour for 30 mins. It was such a negative experience for me I feel it forever associated breast feeding with bad things. And then the lactation consultant I went to was so pushy and judgmental about me supplementing with formula which just reinforced that breastfeeding is shitty. So now a month later I'm struggling with what I think is postpartum depression (yes I am seeing a doctor for it tomorrow) and complete aversion to breastfeeding. I'm still doing it but I hate it and it literally makes me cry and resent my child but I'm so shamed and bullied I'm too afraid to quit. So while "baby friendly" hospitals might have beneficial results for me it completely ruined the first month of my babies life and made me associate breastfeeding with stress, anxiety and pain. Baby friendly maybe but not women friendly.