6 weeks 4 days pregnant with twins

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 3 years and last year we finally sought out help. We discovered we would have to do <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> so early this year we started our journey.. After a failed first fresh cycle we decided to hop right into a frozen cycle.. We transferred 2 beautiful blasts on July 28th.. August 5th I took a home pregnancy test and discovered I was pregnant! Yay! August 8th confirmed with a beta of 378.. Holy cow! Well, today was our first ultra sound and we discovered it's twins! Although I should be incredibly over joyed and excited.. For some reason I'm not. I'm not even a little bit happy. I'm terrified I've made the wrong decision to have children.. I'm terrified when they are born that I'll regret it.. Why after so long and being so sure and paying thousands and thousands of dollars am I now "not sure"? I've spent almost all day crying because of the way I'm thinking.. Is this normal?! Has anyone else ever been through this after ttc for so long?! Please help!