Relationship confusion!!!


So I started talking to this guy about a year ago. We got really close and we really liked each other and then after a while I told him to let's make things official. And he told me he's not ready to be in a relationship now. So i thought I did something. After a while things just started getting weird. He wouldn't text me, he would say he's too busy to keep up with people. And he's ALWAYS too tired for everything. Then conversations with him just got so short. He says I'm jumping to conclusions And he doesn't feel like we aren't good and he wants us to be together like before

Then like last month I met someone else. We started talking and he really likes me. He's always checking up on me, sending me cute texts and everything. Always saying he wants me and blah blah blah. I've started to catch some feelings.

But now idk what to do. I talked to the first guy after like 3 weeks of nothing and told him that I don't feel wanted and that I feel like shit around him and that we are falling off. I need some help on what to do. Because its like now I'm feeling the second guy but the feelings for the first guy are there but still faint. Any ideas on what to say to each guy?