She NEEDS a baby...

Annsley • {🕇} + 👪 = ♡

** posting for a sweet friend **

A close friend of mine has been TTC for almost a year now with her Husband. She suffers from endometriosis and possible PCOS (up to 30 cysts on each ovary), so getting pregnant is definitely a "journey" for her! She's had issues with ovulation recently, because she got ALL dark tests for a month, but she definitely ovulated a couple days ago like normal.. She's been updating me on her OPKs every night (they went from light to dark, then light again - assuming she obviously ovulated correctly this month) Well, as of tonight, the test is dark AGAIN!! We're both super confused as to why though..

Has anyone experienced this? Is this normal? & have any of you lovely ladies ended up pregnant even after tests like these??

She's desperate for opinions, please ♡

《The pic shows this week's tests - the two above the lightest ones have faded since she took them, but they were 100% as dark as the bottom ones are now》