So, my water broke Monday at 1630, right at the end of my work day


So, my water broke Monday at 1630, right at the end of my work day. I was 37 weeks 3 days amount. I had stood up, felt the *pop*, froze, and said "Well that was unpleasant." The ladies at work thought it was pretty funny! I stopped by my husband's work asked Justin if he'd like the rest of the day off and then I headed home to grab my hospital bag while he tied up some loose ends.

We got to the hospital before 1800, and even though my contractions were all sporadic, they checked my progress and I was about 4 cm dilated. The doctor came in, looked over my Birth plan, deemed it reasonable and we then discussed my options! Since my water had broken, they would wait until midnight and if there hadn't been any progress, they would begin pitocin.

Around 2100-ish, my contractions suddenly went from a 2 on the pain scale to an 8 and grew much closer together. It was a huge help having my husband there to hold my hand and my mom there to let me know (via the monitor) when I was having a contraction, the intensity, duration, and when they were coming to an end! It would have been probably 10X more miserable if I just had to deal with them without the play by play. Lennox must gave been on a nerve because my legs, and even my arms, we're numb! Very annoying...

My transition was so mild, according to the nurses, that they didn't really think I was ready to push yet and I began pushing, instinctively, before the doctor arrived!

I shocked everyone by only pushing a few times before the doctor asked me if I still wanted to help catch my baby! I reached down and pulled him out and onto my chest, and that was an amazing experience!!! He was pretty purple and not breathing well, so a nurse took him quickly, suctioned his mouth and brought him back to me within a few minutes, crying! YAY!!!

He has a lot of dark brown hair, just like his siblings did when they were born!