Too many Guys

Naraly • There are times where you feel like giving up. and I understand that feeling. I have been there before and it sucks. but look on yhe brightcside of things even if you dont think that there is one.

I have way too many Guy friends after me in this freakish love triangle that I don't want to be apart of anymore. I want to try to hang out with my girls and every time that I try to, one of my guy friends steals me away on a stupid date and its been getting in the way of my school life and work life. Just last week my boss asked me to not come back for a while until I got everything worked out. Mostly because Flynn had been visiting me DURING WORK HOURS and Distracting me. Not only that Theres Mark who literally spams my phone with texts and phone calls WHILE I'm school.

Then there's that one guy who I said I liked but he had a boyfriend and he always wants to hang out yet he respects my privacy.

This whole triangle- Parallel zig zag line of love had gotten so bad that I had been thinking on dropping out of school. And I don't know how to tell them that I need time on my own. Last time I did, they both took it as a fucking joke, and if I say it again they might not take me seriously. How can I do this?