Has your man ever pulled away?

And if he has, please comment i would love to know for how long, and if he came back. I would love to hear stories. My man has been pulling away from me for about a month now. I broke up with him and i hurt him and it really messed him up. He has his guard up & walls up. He's been distant. Not spending time with me, putting me last. He's not really there emotionally anymore. Before our break up he definitely was. But i don't know wether to wait on him or move on. There's days he will text me and we will talk. We still tell each other we love each other. But i pretty much told him i can't be with him cause i feel like he's taking advantage of me. I'm afraid he will always be broken. And it's not just him that is broken, our relationship is broken. And i told him i can't fix him or the relationship alone. He tells me he is still hurt & mad at everything. I try to give him space & focus on me, but i have flipped out on him many times. Cause i felt as if he was just stringing me along. I haven't seen him in two weeks now. I just feel like we will never emotionally connect again because he is broken and afraid to......i really love him and before we fell apart, i knew he loved me.

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