Welp Im offically 5 days late now been ttc#3 for over 2 years been battling cysts

(Rebecca) • Im 33wife married 14 years and have 3 boys 14,9,3
Welp 5 days late ...I hesitate on taking a test today because everytime i have they were all negatives but found out a couple months ago why my cysts last known end of last month they have gotten smaller so Im wonder if one of the lottle troopers made it through I sure hope so its been rough so i can only imagine how it is for others trying to concieve #1 yall must have alot of strength hats off to you I been going nuts not to sound selfish not trying to be just always wanted a big family! my first 1 took a lil over a year my second 6 month and both my kids now are 10 and 5 they both want a sister really bad and I want a daughter really bad I lost my mom 4 days after my 9th bday so never got the mother daughter experience so I would really love a lil princess but either way Ill be happy with what I am given! But really hoping after this long wrong I am finally pregnant! I still waiting for af to show up like (just kidding) I sure hope it doesn't im thinking if im 5 days late as of midnight I must be pregnant and its just to early to tel possibly...i have a doc appt today early that was scheduled from a month and a half ago cuz I been having a hard time conceiving still so i guess ill talk with her maybe she can figure out whats going on good luck to all of you baby dust!!🍼👶🍼