Stop judging women/men ttc under 20

I'm just putting this out there....
All I hear is that having a baby is gonna ruin your life or you arent old enough, stable enough, or you can't give the child the life they deserve. Age really doesn't have anything to do with it. If you can fully support a baby in all aspects, while still accomplishing your goals and not relying on everyone else to take care of your child. Then, I see nothing wrong with ttc. I was stable at 17. I am now at 19. I want nothing more then to become a mom one day. But Who cares how old you are or anyone else is for that matter. If you can be a great mom pay your bills and not push your child and your responsibilities on someone else then I say more power to you!
With that being said I will continue this on just a little farther...
I'm not saying that you shouldn't at least finish high school first before trying to conceive, because I feel you should. I graduated high school at 17. If you truly feel being a mom is what you want, then set that example for your child now. Don't have a child and not graduate school. Not only would you regret that, but your showing your child that it is ok to throw away their education. If you are ttc and are still going to high school, try and get your life together before bringing a child into the world. Start accelerated  classes so you can graduate early. Get a job now so you are financially ready. Get everything in order... I'm not here to tell you not to have a baby because only you can decide that. I'm not here to tell you that it's wrong to have a baby young because I don't believe that. I just want everyone on here to realize truly how much work goes into having a child. And children don't fix problems whether it be emotionally, physically, spiritually. They don't fix relationships.. They don't fix anything. They add to the drama of everyday life. They will rip weak romantic relationships, friendship, or even family relationships apart. While still being the most wonderful gift you could ever receive. They are wonderful, loud, crazy, fun. And most of all they will love you with everything they have and you will love them back even more. 
I know some may think they have it all figured out.. And that's great. For those who don't and could use some advice, make a list of all the things that you hope for your child whether it be who they are or what they are gonna be like what you hope they will accomplish... Then ask yourself did I accomplish those things am I the best person I can be?  You are who they will look up to! Trust me be that inspiration. Lead by example. 
Okay. I'm done. Lol 
Goodluck to everyone ttc. I wish you all the best of luck! 
P.s. I didn't proof read, so I am sorry for grammar/spelling mistakes.