Am I the only one EXCITED by morning sickness & other symptoms?

I'm about seven and a half weeks and I've had very minor, intermittent nausea for the last week or two, in the kind of way that you wonder if it's nausea at all or if you're just imagining it lol. A couple of nights ago I felt like I was going to throw up for a couple of hours straight, and then this morning after drinking a glass of water very quickly it came back up and I felt like I would be sick again for about three hours after... My mum keeps telling me ginger tea or gingernut biscuits help with nausea, but I'm not the slightest bit interested lol. I WANT to experience every moment of what morning sickness I get. 
Maybe because I've had three miscarriages before, but it just excites me every time I wake up with sore boobs, or every evening when I'm struggling to keep my eyes open at 7pm, and now when I have bouts of nausea. Obviously it's not the best feeling in the world, but I've been dreaming of these not so great feelings, but symptoms nonetheless, for years now, and I think they should be celebrated more than they are. WE'RE PREGNANT, GUYS 😄😄😄