Advice needed...

Hi all. So for the past few weeks my feet, ankles, legs and knees are all swelling. Normally they go down slightly over night but they haven't been as much and now are getting a bit painful to move or flex. So yesterday I had a really bad dizzy turn, luckily I was with my Mom and she got me to a chair before I passed out. Since then I have monitored my blood pressure and it is slightly raised but not what the midwife would class as needing to go to hospital (she said 150/100 was the point to seek help and mine has only got to 143/87 at its highest). My head remains a little dizzy all the time but I just had another dizzy turn and at the same time I was really hungry so checked my blood pressure and it had gone up again. Is there any link between these symptoms? Can hunger raise your blood pressure? Is the swelling and almost passing out linked? Any advice is welcome! Thanks.