Very worried

So I'm 5 weeks and 6 days and on wed evening I started bleeding and having cramps. I called my doc right away and the set it up for me to have an ultrasound and blood work done on thurs. I got the ultrasound done but was late getting the lab form blood work bc my doc office closes early on thursdays. Well the doc calls me this morning to give me the results for my ultrasound and they came back inconclusive. So I have to do the blood work today and then another one on mon. Then next thurs get another ultrasound and see the doc next fri..So basically I have to wait a week to find out what's going on. Do they not know how much stress I'm going to be under this entire week worrying about if I lost the baby or not?! Btw this is my 3rd pregnancy I have 2 beautiful kids already but I do not want to lose this one. I haven't had any clots but I wanna know why I am bleeding and if the baby is ok..ughh I hate doctors