What to do when you aren't ready?

Hey ladies,
  I'm posting this for some opinions,advice, and to see if anyone else has been where I am currently! So, my boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 4 months now and we have known eachother for a little over a year before we started dating. We weren't necessarily close but we would text and talk casually quite a bit. 
   So most couples slide into things whilst agreeing on when eachother are both ready, however, it hasn't been like this. He's a step ahead and more experienced than I am with relationships and sex. I am a virgin, and him, well, he won't say. I know for a fact he has had oral sex but beyond that I am clueless. However, he's wanted to have oral sex, and I complied once after having him insist on it constantly using love as a motive as to why I should do it.. After I did give him that I felt disgusting. His kisses felt awkward and I just (after that experience) don't feel a spark. If anything I was so ashamed of myself. I told him that too, and he couldn't have cared less.
  I promised myself I would wait until marriage or at least until I felt 100% comfortable with any guy to do anything sexual. And not only that, it's only been 4 months and I'm still young. 
   So now, I'm clueless what to do. Has anyone else been where I am? Should I break up with him..? I'm scared if I do break up with him he'll tell people about that experience..