Need help please!!!!

I'm not sure where to post this but I need advice asap! So I have this 27 yr old cousin who lives in Pennsylvania, he doesn't have a job and gets his money from his stepdad basically, lives off of them. Well at his house, you can literally be standing 10 feet away and smell piss & everything else. He has at least 5 or 6 dogs living in an upper floor of this old house (someone else lives at the lower level, the house is owned by his stepdad) but the dogs are rarely ever taken outside, they're basically living in their own filth. Half of them are inbred (they're still sweet just look a little odd lol) and they are cornered in this little kitchen, not being allowed to go anywhere else in the already small living space. I want to call animal control or something but I live in Indiana. Would I still be able to? I realize my family would be in trouble but this situation has been going on for years and it's only getting worse for my cousin & animals. Not to mention my cousin smells strongly of urine 24/7.